[Japan is so weird. Or is it me?- Japanese Kids are Wild Animals] Chapter2-10 - 海外・外国人全般 - 専門家プロファイル

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大澤 眞知子
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大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子

閲覧数順 2024年04月27日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

[Japan is so weird. Or is it me?- Japanese Kids are Wild Animals] Chapter2-10

- good

  1. 人生・ライフスタイル
  2. 海外留学・外国文化
  3. 海外・外国人全般
Story (Robert McMillan)

カナダ大学留学に備え真剣に準備する日本の高校生のためのSupport Group-カナダクラブ

その貴重なパートナーであり、UX English (カナダからの英語学習サイト) を管理するRobert McMillan が語る

ストーリー”Japan is so weird. Or is it me?” 




(日本語訳付き)  Chapter 1  Chapter 2-9 はこのリンクから


Japanese Kids are Wild Animals

When teaching Japanese children, I found it helpful to think of them as wild animals. That discovery had its roots in the Canadian Rockies. 

I was raised in a small prairie town near the Rocky Mountains. Every morning on my way to high school, I would see their jagged peaks rising up in the distance. Grey, or even blue, in summer. Snow capped in winter; purple on the coldest days. A golden orange in the right light. 

They act as an anchor for my hometown. The surrounding prairie, windswept, with extreme temperatures, is vast and intimidating, but the Rockies seem to hold everything together. 

As a child, I would often camp in the Rockies. I enjoyed hiking through the forests to spot wildlife and then approach as closely as I could. I kept my distance from those higher on the food chain – the bears and the big cats, cougars. I was not interested in being eaten. But I would sneak up on the large herbivores: deer, elk and moose; fascinated by their uncanny sense of perception. 

Once they heard me – stepping on dry leaves, for instance – or smelt me, their heads would pivot upwards and their eyes would shine intensely with a wild kind of fear. This was a game to me, but survival to them. They could not afford a meat eater to get too close. They would sniff the air, snort briskly, and glance around until they saw me, then bound off through thick forest as fast as lightning but without a sound. 

I found Japanese children with those same eyes in every class I taught. When I approached them, their eyes would widen and flicker about, and their bodies went rigid. They looked truly and instinctively afraid. 

At a skinny 170 centimeters tall, I am not a particularly intimidating person. 

I remember a phone call home where I told my mother “Good” when she asked how I was doing because I didn’t want to tell her that I had flooded my apartment, that teaching children in a foreign language was more challenging than university-level math proofs, and that learning a foreign language from scratch was like trying to pick up tomato wedges with chopsticks. “But,” I added, “some children seem afraid of me.” 

“Ha!” she laughed at me. “You?! Naw. You’re a big pushover.” 

Ouch. Thanks mom. 

But no one knows you in a way that your mother does, and she got me thinking. If it wasn’t me in specific, it must be me in general. Perhaps I was a representative carnivore. A different, threatening species. After all, there were not many people who looked like me in rural Shikoku in 1989. 

One seven-year-old girl spelled it out straightforwardly: 「外人嫌い」(“I don’t like gaijin,”) she said during a class. I don’t know how the word gaijin (foreigner) came to mean Caucasian, but I was intrigued that someone so young could dislike an entire race of people that looked different from her.

“Why?” I asked. 

“They have eyes like cats’.” 

I had never heard that before. 

So when my carnivorous cat-like eyes met the frightened deer-like eyes of a Japanese child, I did what I used to in the Rockies when stalking wild deer: approach slowly and quietly. And it worked! I was still a carnivore, but no longer a fierce, hungry-looking carnivore. My students were far more relaxed when I approached as slowly and gently as possible. 

Just like this, when we live abroad, we bring our past along with us. Our experiences, observations, memories of adjusting to challenging situations. Any foreigner you see walking around the towns and cities of Japan has similar experiences to draw on to adapt to life in Japan. 

But how about Japanese students here in Canada? What experiences do they have to draw on? 

Most students I met in Japan have the same lifestyle: they wake up, go to school, club activities and juku; come home, study, and go to bed. They are trained very well for two things: getting along with others and memorizing facts. 

But learning facts is only one kind of learning. I worry that Japanese children lack experiential learning, an active form of learning through experience. They lack free time to explore their world and form their own techniques, using their unique personality and characteristics, to adapt to it.

Whenever I asked Japanese high school students, “What do you do in your free time?”, they answered, “Sleep,” “Listen to music,” “Watch movies,” or other such passive activities. How can these children learn to adapt to an ever-changing world when they don’t have time and energy to explore it? 

A few years ago I was asked to speak about Japan to students at my hometown elementary school. I started with “Who knows where Japan is?” Half a dozen kids raised their hands. Two or three who couldn’t wait said something about Japan such as “Sushi!”, “My uncle lived in Japan,” “I saw sumo wrestlers on TV.” They were quite young. But my eyes focused on a small, wide-eyed girl with stringy blonde hair and weathered blue jeans. Her arm half-raised. Confident but indifferent. “Choose me if you want to, I don’t care,” she seemed to say. So I called on her, and this little girl pointed out the classroom window. “Over there,” she said. Half surprised, half curious, I glanced out the window to see the Rocky Mountains in the distance. Beyond the Rockies, across the Pacific, lies a far-off country she knows as Japan. 

This little girl had learned about the Rockies from experience, and from there, her place in the world. 

It is up to us adults to foster an environment where children of all ages can actively explore the world and find their place in it. It doesn’t need to be the Rockies. Find a park, a part-time job, an interesting neighborhood – I welcome your suggestions – and cut them loose. 

Japan is so weird. Or is it me? 

















「あなたが?そんなわけない。周りにいつも甘く見られてたあなたが? は!」

































カナダ大学留学準備講座  Canada Club



カナダ発日本人のための本格的英語学習サイト UX English 


Podcast [カナダにいらっしゃい!] 

カテゴリ このコラムの執筆専門家

Super World Club 代表


カナダ 在住。パンデミック後のNew Normal 留学をサポート。変わってしまった留学への強力な準備として UX English主催。[Essay Basics] [Critical Thinking] など。カナダから日本に向けての本格的オンライン留学準備レッスン・カナダクラブ運営。

カテゴリ 「Story (Robert McMillan)」のコラム


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