Amazing Japanese People. 日本人ってすごい! - 対人力・コミュニケーションスキル - 専門家プロファイル

佐々木 良介



田原 洋樹
田原 洋樹
深井 学
深井 学
牛山 恭範

閲覧数順 2024年04月25日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

Amazing Japanese People. 日本人ってすごい!

- good

  1. スキル・資格
  2. ビジネススキル
  3. 対人力・コミュニケーションスキル



  With all the news of nuclear power plant damage, the constant aftershocks and the JMA prediction that loom around us, let us take a moment about the good things that are also happening in our midst.

If this were to happen in other countries (including my own), a different picture would have been seen. The discipline and the calmness of the Japanese people in the face of disaster are very admirable. The people's dignity, respect and concern of others are very commendable.

When I went to the nearest supermarket to stock up on food and bottled water, the shop clerks were going about the usual. Greeting each and every customer the same way prior to the 3/11 incident. Amazing!

On my way home after work, I stopped at the convenience store to buy some nikuman for my lunch. The people behind the counter were the same ones I saw when I tried to withdraw money last Friday. They greeted me as I paid for my lunch. As I left the store, I told them to take care. The lady smiled and said the same thing to me. Amazing!

One of my learners shared her experience of waiting for the train in Tokyo the day after the earthquake. According to her, people patiently waited in line and followed the instructions of the station officers (even if they changed the information a lot).
No one tried to cut in line, she added. Amazing!

During the power outage, the traffic lights were off but the drivers did not take advantage of the situation. They were very courteous. They followed their lanes even if it took them several hours to get to their destination. Amazing!

Due to the suspension of train operation, a lot of people were stranded in Tokyo. Most people walked in the cold night for several hours just to get home. Amazing!

The Law of Supply and Demand was not evident in the stores. Instead of hiking up the prices, the bakery in the grocery store lowered their prices.
All bread products were sold for 98 yen. Amazing!

All over my area, even the presence of the police was not that evident, there was no sign of looting. I think looting is not part of the Japanese people's vocabulary. Amazing!

In a nation which is still racing against time to rescue survivors, recovering from the great loss brought about by the earthquake and the tsunami, and now mitigating the effects of a nuclear power plant radiation, it is sometimes difficult to see the silver lining. But all we have to do is to look around.

The Japanese people are Japan's saving grace.






仕事のあと家に帰るとき、お昼のために肉まんを買いにコンビニに立ち寄りました。カウンターの後ろにいる人たちは、この前の金曜日にお金をおろそうとしてきたときと同じ人たちでした。彼らはまるで私が昼食の支払いをしたかのように挨拶してくれました。コンビニを出るとき「Take care(注意してくださいね)」というと、その女性はにっこりして私に同じ事を言ってくれました。すごい!









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