患者様からの出産報告 最新版 - その他の心と体の不調 - 専門家プロファイル

徐 大兼
アキュラ鍼灸院 院長



茅野 分
茅野 分
茅野 分
茅野 分
茅野 分
市原 真二郎

閲覧数順 2024年04月30日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

患者様からの出産報告 最新版

- good

  1. 心と体・医療健康
  2. 心と体の不調
  3. その他の心と体の不調
不妊治療 鍼灸

2012年8月出産 J.Gさんより

I first went to Acura after suffering my third unexplained
miscarriage. I had been seeing a specialist and the tests he had
given me hadn't revealed any problems. I was frustrated and not ready
to give up on having a baby. After a lot of personal research on the
problem, I decided to try acupuncture. I had found a study that
showed women getting IVF treatment were more likely to successfully
conceive while receiving acupuncture treatment, and though I wasn't
getting IVF, I thought that the improved circulation that helps
produce better quality eggs for IVF may also benefit me. I have to
admit that going into this treatment, I wasn't very optimistic. I had
already foreseen trying it a few times, not really feeling anything
and then giving up. Luckily, it was around this time that I suffered
a neck injury. My neck was so stiff and painful I couldn't even
properly lie down. I went into my acupuncture appointment thinking I
wouldn't be able to do it and my therapist Yoko, stuck a needle in my hand,
wiggled it around and immediately I felt so much tension release from
my neck. I couldn't believe it. My neck still hurt but I could now
lie down, and it was only a week later when my neck was pretty much
back to normal. That experience sold me and I committed to weekly
appointments. Within 3 months a persistent shoulder and foot problem
was gone and I was pregnant..... 続きはこちら>>>


2012年8月の妊娠報告 徐 大兼 - 鍼灸師(2012/09/04 16:26)

2011年8月の妊娠報告 徐 大兼 - 鍼灸師(2011/09/15 17:25)

4月の妊娠報告 徐 大兼 - 鍼灸師(2013/05/01 20:31)

2012年7月の妊娠報告 徐 大兼 - 鍼灸師(2012/08/06 15:14)