- 大澤 眞知子
- Super World Club 代表
- カナダ留学・クリティカルシンキング専門家
アメリカのBig History Projectに参加・飛躍的に英語力が伸びた高校生たち
大きな教育改革を目指し、ビル・ゲイツが提唱した新しいカリキュラム Big History Project.
そのProjectに参加し、アメリカ・カナダの高校生の仲間入りしたSuper World Club の高校生たちの能力が大きく大きく伸びています。
“Big History” 教育とは、従来の学校では細かく分かれている教科の境界線を取り除いた教育法です。
それが”Big History Project” です。
“Big History” コースが終了するころには、現代知識をすべて統合した理解力がついている。
(生徒たちのWiKi Forumより引用)
A Big History of Everything
Watch the video (A Big History of Everything) and answer the questions.
1) What is so important about the placement of the Earth in relationship to the Sun?
The Earth is lacated in the area where liquid water can exist because the Sun is not too near nor faraway.(Eri) Nice job, Eri! You're right. (Machiko & Robert)
The earth can have liquid water in the zone.(Rina)
Yes, Rina! Good work. (Machiko & Robert)
There would be no water on the Earth,if the Earth changed its placement.(Ken)
Yes, indeed. Good observation, Ken! (Machiko & Robert)
The placement of the earth is important because liquid water can exsist. If the earth were closer to the sun, our ocean would boil, on the other hand, if the earth were further from the sun, water would freeze over.(Rui)
Right on, Rui! Good work. (Machiko & Robert)
The placement of the Earth keeps water of the Earth liquid. If the Earth were near the sun, water of the Earth would run dry. If the Earth were far from the sun, water of the Earth would freeze.(Ryotaro)
Great work, Ryotaro. You got the main idea. (Machiko & Robert)
The distance between the Earth and the Sun is so important because water is able to exist in this zone.(Shin)
Yeah, good, Shin! (Machiko & Robert)
It is in this zone that liquid water is able to exist.(Tamami)
Right. This is the main idea, Tamami. (Machiko & Robert)
2) Why is the Moon so important to our Earth?
The moon is a couterbalance and stabilizes the earth's rocation.Therefore,there is no catastrophic weather on the earth.(Rina)
Wow, a beautiful answer, Rina. (Machiko & Robert)
The moon is so important to our earth to be a counter balance, stabilizing earth's rotation.This counter balance will prevent the earth from having catastrophic swings in climate.(Rui)
Yeah, great. You have caught all the main points, Rui. (Machiko & Robert)
The Moon has an important role to the Earth,because the Moon makes the rotation of Earthsteady to keep the climate of the Earth safe.(Ken)
Your sentences are always concise and on topic. Keep trying, Ken. (Machiko & Robert)
The moon keeps the Earth's rotation stabilized.
It's so important for the Earth to avoid catastrophic swings in climate.(Ryotaro)
Nicely said, Ryotaro. (Machiko & Robert)
The Moon supports Earth's ratation and prevents a bad climate.(Tamami)
Simple and good, Tamami. (Machiko & Robert)
3) What does Jupiter's location do for the safety of Earth?
Jupiter prevents Earth from dangerous rocks because it is located in the solar system andvaccums in most dangerous rocks.(Eri)
Great answer, Eri. Does anyone know how it vacuums in rocks? (Machiko & Robert)
Jupiter vacuums up most rocks around the solar system and make Earth safe.(Shin)
This one is real good, Shin. (Machiko & Robert)
5) What is a threshold moment?
A threshold moment is moments when something critical appeared.Also it is the series of lucky breaks that led to the formation of the earth.(Yuki)
Yeah! You got the main gist, Yuki. You have a good example, too. (Machiko & Robert)
Big History of a Football Field
Watch the video (Big History of a Football Field) and answer the question.
1. Why do we look at things from far away and close up?
We look at things from far away to look at these as a whole,for example,if you look at the earth from far away,you can learn how small the earth is when compared with the universe. We look at things from close up to look at these in detail,for example,if you look at aman from close up,you can see the human body is made of many atoms.(Eri)
Right on, Eri. Good work. (Machiko & Robert)
We look at things from far away to see the whole.We can see the connection of the earth and other planets. We look at things from close up to know things in detail.We can see the structure of humans.(Rina)
Yes, Rina! Good ways to look at things. (Machiko & Robert)
We look at things from far away to learn the connections between things.For example,we found the moon keeps the climate of the earth safe. We look at things close up to learn about the structures of things.For example,we found everything is made of atoms,and the atoms consist of nucleus and electrons.(Ken)
This is a very logical answer, Ken. Great work! (Machiko & Robert)
We look things from far away to understand a connection between one and the others. For example, we can learn importance of the distance between the sun and the earth. We look things from close up to figure out these details. For instance, we can understand what humans are made up with.(Yuki)
OK. You got the right ideas, Yuki! (Machiko & Robert)
We look at things from far away because everything even very far away is related to our life. For example, Jupiter vacuums up rocks around the solar system and makes Earth safe. We look at things from close up because we can see many things more clearly. For example, we can see thousands of cells in my hand from close up.(Shin)
Well said. Nice examples, Shin! (Machiko & Robert)
All things are connected,so looking at the whole of things is important. If we look at things close up, we can know much more detailes things and we can understand better. For example, the sun is like a nucleus since the Earth, Jupiter and Mars and other planets go around the sun. Similarly electron go around nucleus. (Tamami)
Wow, great answer, Tamami. You are still in grade 9!! (Machiko & Robert)
Super World Club(大澤眞知子、Robert McMillan)

- 大澤 眞知子
- (カナダ留学・クリティカルシンキング専門家)
- Super World Club 代表
カナダ 在住。パンデミック後のNew Normal 留学をサポート。変わってしまった留学への強力な準備として UX English主催。[Essay Basics] [Critical Thinking] など。カナダから日本に向けての本格的オンライン留学準備レッスン・カナダクラブ運営。
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