Kaizen -- Combination of Kaizen with ISO9001(5) - 経営戦略・事業ビジョン - 専門家プロファイル

田邉 康雄
有限会社田辺コンサルタント・グループ 代表取締役社長



寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
荒井 信雄

閲覧数順 2024年09月20日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

Kaizen -- Combination of Kaizen with ISO9001(5)

- good

  1. 法人・ビジネス
  2. 経営コンサルティング
  3. 経営戦略・事業ビジョン
カイゼン (Kaizen --- Writen in English)
Let me continue the disclosure of my idea which aims at increasing the level of Kaizen.

In connection with Kaizen, I told you that I like the country of UK very much. And I already showed the first reason for it.

Now let me show you the second reason that I like the country of UK. As you recognize in the pre, I have been working in the field of ISO management system for the last 14 yeas.

As I said before, the ISO management system was developed in UK. And my business on the management system has been successful. Therefore, I am very much thankful to UK, where the management system was created.

I think you now understand the reason that I like UK very much because of the above 2 reasons.