BBCの記事で、Japan: The worst developed country for mothers?
Instead she has three children. In Japan it is still one or the other. Doing both is extremely difficult.
Many Japanese women still withdraw from the labour force upon childbirth and often cannot resume their regular employment pattern: in the dual Japanese labour market, women often end up in relatively lowly-paid non-regular employment.
The gender pay gap at median earnings is the second highest in the OECD.
According to the Tokyo government's own statistics there are 20,000 children in the city waiting for places in day-care centres.
The government centres that do exist are good, but they are far too few. And even if you do get a place it's means-tested and expensive.
"I'd have to pay about $1,000 (£659) per month per child even at the state nursery," says Nobuko Ito.
Roughly 70% of Japanese women quit working after giving birth to their first child. This compares to around one-third of women in the US.
All of this adds up to two things. Women who are having children are not working. Women who are working are not having children. Both are terrible for Japan's future.
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