I have always been told I look young, and my Japanese diet gets credit for that. - 海外・外国人全般 - 専門家プロファイル

Super World Club 代表



大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子

閲覧数順 2024年05月03日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

I have always been told I look young, and my Japanese diet gets credit for that.

- good

  1. 人生・ライフスタイル
  2. 海外留学・外国文化
  3. 海外・外国人全般

I have always been told I look young, and my Japanese diet gets credit for that.


When I was in junior high, I was mistaken for an elementary school student. I was in university, and I was mistaken for a high school kid. When I started a business, I was told that I looked too young to be trusted! I was already in my 30s at that time.


In my 40s, I enjoyed taking advantage of my young-looking appearance to venture into a new sphere of business. In my 50s, I took pleasure in playing with my looks to meet and lure new people.


When I finally reached my 50s, I started recognizing some changes in people’s attitude toward me. Even in the male-dominant culture of Japan, my voice, my opinions, were suddenly treated seriously, probably because I looked old enough in an Asian culture where the elders should be respected.



カテゴリ このコラムの執筆専門家

Super World Club 代表


カナダ 在住。パンデミック後のNew Normal 留学をサポート。変わってしまった留学への強力な準備として UX English主催。[Essay Basics] [Critical Thinking] など。カナダから日本に向けての本格的オンライン留学準備レッスン・カナダクラブ運営。

カテゴリ 「カナダレポート」のコラム

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