「東京のオアシス/Tokyo's oasis」 - 英語全般 - 専門家プロファイル

伊東 なおみ
ILSランゲージスクール 英語講師および日本語教師



山中 昇
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白尾 由喜子

閲覧数順 2024年05月08日更新

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「東京のオアシス/Tokyo's oasis」

- good

  1. スキル・資格
  2. 英語
  3. 英語全般
I visited the only valley that exists in the center of Tokyo the other day.

Todoroki Valley

Todoroki Valley is located only 20 minutes away from Shibuya station, one of Tokyo's busiest train stations. The valley is surrounded by a dense forest, and you will definitely be surprised how you can find such a refreshing place in the middle of Tokyo!

A stream runs through the valley for about one kilometer. There is a walking trail alongside the stream.

There is a Japanese garden inside the valley.

Ume (Japanese plum) trees were in full blossoms in the mid-March.

This dense forest keeps the valley surprisingly quiet. Above the stream is one of Tokyo's busiest roads "Kanpachi Dori Avenue" but we don't hear much noise.

The Golf Bridge (the red one) is towards one end of the valley.

At the other end of the valley, there is a temple called "Todoroki Fudo Temple".

It's definitely worth a visit especially during the saskura season

