「涼しさを呼ぶのに、もってこいのモノとは?」 - 英語全般 - 専門家プロファイル

伊東 なおみ
ILSランゲージスクール 英語講師および日本語教師



山中 昇
山中 昇
白尾 由喜子

閲覧数順 2024年05月01日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。


- good

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Hello everyone!



"Horror movies recommended to scare away summer heat"


I really hate horror movies!!!
When I happen to see one, I can't even go to the bathroom afterwards...
(In Japan, and maybe in other countries too, it is often said that ghosts reside in the bathroom.)


Japan Todayの記事に、レンタルビデオのTSUTAYAを展開するCulture Convenience Clubという会社による過去30年間にもっとも貸出の多かったホラー映画20のリストがアップされていますのでご紹介いたします。

1. “The Sixth Sense” starring Bruce Willis, directed by M. Night Shyamalan ★★★
2. “Constantine” starring Keanu Reeves, directed by Francis Lawrence ★
3. “Van Helsing” starring Hugh Jackman, directed by Stephen Commers ★
4. “Juon“ (Japanese version of “The Grudge”) starring Megumi Okina, directed by Takashi Shimizu ★★★
5. “Ring” (Japanese version) starring Nanako Matusushima, directed by Hidoe Nakata ★★★
6. “Chakushin Ari” (One Missed Call) starring Ko Shibasaki, directed by Miike Takashi ★★
7. “Paranormal Activity” starring Katie Featherston, directed by Oren Peli ★★★
8. “28 Days Later…” starring Cillian Murphy, directed by Danny Boyle ★★
9. “Rasen” (second movie in the Japanese Ring series) starring Miki Nakatani, directed by Hideo Nakata ★★
10. “The Blair Witch Project” starring Michael C. Williams, directed by Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sánchez ★★★
11. “The Others” starring Nicole Kidman, directed by Alejandro Amenábar ★★★
12. “The Ring” starring Naomi Watts, directed by Gore Verbinski ★★
13. “Dawn of the Dead (2004)” starring Sarah Polley, directed by Zack Snyder ★★
14. “Juon 2″ (Japanese version) starring Noriko Sakai, directed by Takashi Shimizu ★★
15. “Chakushin Ari 2 (One Missed Call 2) starring Mimura, directed by Renpei Tsukamoto ★★
16. “Sleepy Hollow” starring Johnny Depp, directed by Tim Burton ★★
17. “Underworld: Evolution” starring Kate Beckinsale, directed by Len Wiseman ★
18. “Silent Hill” starring Radha Mitchell, directed by Christophe Gans ★★
19. “Ghost Ship” starring Julianna Margulies, directed by Steve Beck ★★
20. “Freddy vs. Jason” starring Robert Englund, directed by Ronny Yu ★★

WOW!!! Surprised to know that I've seen many of the movies listed above!!! I wonder how I could have made it through???


Let's get chilled with terror!!! 



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