■英検1級をターゲットにした英作文の指導で、I believe----は使ってはいけない という指導をする人が居る
I believe---で書いても差し支えないことの証明だ
2007-1 nevertheless, I believe that
2007-3 although many people support, I believe that
2008-1 It is often argued that nuclear power leads to However, I believe
2008-2 it sometimes seems that we live in a dangerous world. However, while , I believe that
2012-1 while , I believe that
this essay will take issue with the notion that societies will face
when we consider , not to mention ,it is clear that
Prisons are an ineffective way to deal with criminals.
while there can be no question that ,
work is. The problem is that
This essay will demonstrate that their arguments do not stand up to reason
In this essay, I will show how
This essay will explore three factors
here are three points to consider
However, it can be argued that
Delve deeper, though, and a different story emerges
英検1級道場-BBC記事からネイティブの表現を学ぶ 山中 昇 - 英語講師(2014/06/03 07:22)
英検1級道場-エピソードと共に数十年経っても鮮明に記憶している単語や表現 山中 昇 - 英語講師(2013/05/24 17:22)
英検1級道場-受講生が間違いやすい、覚えづらい短文集④ 山中 昇 - 英語講師(2013/04/28 15:31)
英検1級道場-言葉狩り③-民主党の低俗ないいがかり 山中 昇 - 英語講師(2013/04/26 15:30)
英検1級道場-受講生が間違いやすい、覚えづらい短文集その② 山中 昇 - 英語講師(2013/04/23 17:15)