Hiroshi Nakano the Blog! 英語圏へデビューしよう! - 対人力・コミュニケーションスキル - 専門家プロファイル

中野 博
株式会社エコライフ研究所 代表取締役



田原 洋樹
田原 洋樹
深井 学
深井 学
牛山 恭範

閲覧数順 2024年04月24日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

Hiroshi Nakano the Blog! 英語圏へデビューしよう!

- good

  1. スキル・資格
  2. ビジネススキル
  3. 対人力・コミュニケーションスキル
国際ジャーナリスト中野博の実践! メディア登場編
 The foundation was established and completed formally recording all on March 11 .
The name is general foundation "green Japan".

The slogan of this foundation is 'Green creates sheeny Japan.

This foundation does the contest, the business, and the contribution activity.

It will be possible to participate in being where in the world now.
It recruits in the volunteer work and the person etc. who want to participate will recruit it to the foundation of the person who wants to participate and this in various shape in the future though it guides at any time moreover.
My best regards because of guiding it by this SNS, my e-mail magazine, and the blog, etc.
Of course, I think that the guide is going in the future because there are a lot of parties concerned in the foundation.
Please continue your favors toward general foundation green Japan by all means.

One of the big targets in 2010 was achieved.
It can see the image that puts the wish of Hiroshi Nakano who collected early this year by the following. Still, it is the achieved one if it has the well-defined purpose, and it talks completely.

Thank you for everybody.
Hiroshi founder chief director @ Nakano