大学受験でも、高校受験でも、英検、TOEIC, TOEFLでもいい、未来の生徒たちへ - 英語教室 - 専門家プロファイル

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閲覧数順 2024年04月24日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

大学受験でも、高校受験でも、英検、TOEIC, TOEFLでもいい、未来の生徒たちへ

- good

  1. スキル・資格
  2. 英語
  3. 英語教室

Dear my potential students


Many of you seem to have been forced to believe that you are weak, you can’t even get anything started unless forced to do it by someone else. But in fact deep inside you know you want to get it started and make it on your own. That you haven’t done anything so far doesn’t mean you can never ever do anything. If you really think about what you want and need to do, you can take the first step toward making it happen.


I won’t force you to work hard against your will. Instead I’ll be your facilitator. I’m here to help you to awake and maximize your potential strength. Sometimes I’ll lead you, sometimes I’ll push you from behind your back. I’ll do for you whatever I can so that you can achieve the goal you set.


You have so much power inside, so you can make it. We can make it!


Best regards,


Wataru Nakayama



Language School ~航~
住所:〒171-0022 東京都豊島区南池袋3-18-30 ファースト日野ビル2F

引用元:大学受験でも、高校受験でも、英検、TOEIC, TOEFL・・・