Kaizen -- Combination of Kaizen with ISO9001(3) - 経営戦略・事業ビジョン - 専門家プロファイル

田邉 康雄
有限会社田辺コンサルタント・グループ 代表取締役社長



寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀
寺崎 芳紀

閲覧数順 2024年04月23日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

Kaizen -- Combination of Kaizen with ISO9001(3)

- good

  1. 法人・ビジネス
  2. 経営コンサルティング
  3. 経営戦略・事業ビジョン
カイゼン (Kaizen --- Writen in English)
Now, let me continue the disclosure of my idea to increase the level of Kaizen.

As I disclosed in the previous column, UK was a teacher to Japan. Being lead by Professor, Dr. Henry Dyer, many Professors of Engineering came from Glasgow University of Scotland to Japan. They taught Japanese students at Institute of Engineering, Tokei, formerly of Tokyo University.

The professors kindly taught everything of engineering to the students of Japan. They helped Japan come to be an industrial country --- the first highly industrialized country outside of Europe.

The professors of Glasgow University knew everything about engineering because the university was the centre of Industrial Revolution.