Post Semester Decompression Session for カナダ大学留学生- 予約受付中 - 海外留学・ホームステイ - 専門家プロファイル

Super World Club 代表



大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子

閲覧数順 2024年09月27日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

Post Semester Decompression Session for カナダ大学留学生- 予約受付中

- good

  1. 人生・ライフスタイル
  2. 海外留学・外国文化
  3. 海外留学・ホームステイ
留学 大学・高校正規留学


複数のFinal Paperと複数のFinal exam とに対応出来てますか?


Don’t worry. You are not the only one.

Most importantly, we understand.

Post Semester Decompression Session


Post Semester Decompression Session II

It is very exciting to begin university in Canada. You meet new people from every corner of the world, are exposed to new ideas, and if you live away from home, have a completely new lifestyle. It feels so liberating. After the first month, however, your newfound freedom crashes into reality. Midterm exams and assignments approach like a death sentence. You suddenly find yourself in the library for long hours; if you want to pass. 

Students here are often graded on the bell curve – a few of them get As, the majority get Cs, and a number fail. This puts you in direct competition with your classmates, and you have to try very hard just to get a C grade. That makes for a stressful environment.


At the same time, you need to take care of your own meals, wash your clothes, change your sheets – all that stuff you took for granted in high school. I recall stepping out of the shower my first midterm week to find that I didn’t have any clean towels. That required some uncomfortable creativity that is probably left unsaid. Let’s just say that I was half wet and shivering cold on my way to classes early one October morning in Canada.

The stress of this new lifestyle can be overwhelming. To survive, students need to adopt coping mechanisms. A coping mechanism can help you temporarily forget about university, so you can go back to your study more cheerfully, knowing there is life beyond studying.

I had a roommate that coped with the stress by playing the guitar. Fortunately for his roommates, he was pretty good. One of my classmates overcame stress by going on nature walks. He would walk an hour through the coulees, past temporary homeless shelters in the trees, and across the frozen river to reach university each morning. For me, it was exercise. Getting my heart rate up helped me relax, and so I took courses in sports that I had never played such as fencing and was able to cope with stress while earning credits (though I was nearly skewered by a student from Iraq named Ahmed when his foil broke during a practice match).

If you don’t find a way to cope with stress, one will find you. Some students inadvertently find themselves binge drinking on weekends. That seems to ease stress for some – in the short term. It is not a healthy long-term strategy though.

When I think of the students I know who succeeded at university in Canada, I see in them four important qualities: just enough smarts, a strong work ethic, an interest in learning, and methods to cope with stress. The first quality, smarts, depends on our DNA and is largely out of our hands. However, if we learn how to cope with stress and maintain a love for learning, that can help motivate us to study.


With that in mind, we are offering our Canada Club students a one-week decompression session at our cabin on the Canadian prairie where we will help them form strategies to succeed at university. We will help our students rediscover the joy of learning and help find coping mechanisms that work for them.

Thanks to developments in neuroscience, we know a lot more about how the brain works than in my university days. Fortunately, my Japanese partner has studied neuroscience through Harvard University edX courses, and is in a perfect position to offer guidance. And a love for learning? Trust us here with that one – it is infectious.

Please contact us if you are interested!


Post Semester Decompression Session of Canada Club



時期・期間 :1週間(臨機応変に対応)、時期は学生の事情に合わせ相談

場所    :Canada Club EcoCabin on the Canadian Prairie

Session 費用:CA$2,100

(Lesson, Counselling, Calgary空港までの送迎・その他交通費・滞在費・食費を含む)

Want to be in love with learning?

Contact Machiko Osawa!



StoryTelling Camp in Canada 2023


カナダからのサポートグループ  Canada Club


カナダ発日本人のための本格的英語学習サイト UX English 


Podcast [カナダにいらっしゃい!] 

カテゴリ このコラムの執筆専門家

Super World Club 代表


カナダ 在住。パンデミック後のNew Normal 留学をサポート。変わってしまった留学への強力な準備として UX English主催。[Essay Basics] [Critical Thinking] など。カナダから日本に向けての本格的オンライン留学準備レッスン・カナダクラブ運営。

カテゴリ 「留学」のコラム


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