"Japan is so weird. Or is it me? (4)” - 外国生活 - 専門家プロファイル

Super World Club 代表



大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子

閲覧数順 2024年09月26日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

"Japan is so weird. Or is it me? (4)”

- good

  1. 人生・ライフスタイル
  2. 海外留学・外国文化
  3. 外国生活
Story (Robert McMillan)

カナダ大学留学に備え真剣に準備する日本の高校生のためのSupport Group-カナダクラブ 

その貴重なパートナーであり、UX English (カナダからの英語学習サイト) を管理するRobert McMillan が語るストーリー”Japan is so weird. Or is it me?”


Chapter1-4: The Job Hunt       

I shared a room at a youth hostel in Yoyogi with a Sri Lankan and two Americans. 

The Sri Lankan was young, educated and articulate. A degree in engineering. Good English. Looking for manual labour. 

The Americans, young tourists, littered the room with dirty clothes, buckets of gnawed KFC bones and crumpled crinkly McDonald’s hamburger wrappers. They were rarely awake. But when they were, they used our towels and left them clumped on hangers soaking wet.

The world tilts differently for such people than for an educated young man from Sri Lanka. The slope is much more gentle. I would soon find that it tilted differently for me, too. 

I caught a train to a working holiday visa centre. I can’t remember where it was, maybe Ikebukuro. The walls were collaged with shards of paper describing job offers and apartment rentals. A promising sign. I started with jobs. 

The wages were good. There were many jobs starting at 3,000 yen an hour. Some part time work paid 5,000, even 6,000! The main requirements: a native speaker with a university degree. 

Some had strangely niche requirements: British, female, under 30 years old. Woah, they can do that? An employer listing any one of those in my country could get sued, even in the 1980s. But when in Rome … take the job you can get. 

I saw jobs that I was eligible for – lots of them. And I suddenly felt lighter; my shoulders unpinched themselves, my brain clicked one notch out of survival mode. The stress must have built up. Throwing myself headfirst into a foreign country, I had to find a job. 

Mathematically speaking, it’s not that I didn’t have any money. I had negative amounts. I was swimming in student loan debt, like many other young North Americans, even today. That’s our culture. Many of us pay our own way. Canada has a generous student loan program for its citizens. It wants us educated. But I had to pay it back eventually. I would have become that British female under 30 years old if it could land me a job.

Next I moved to the rental papers clinging to the walls like oversized moths. Where to live? That proved more daunting.

Running down the list of apartments, I found two main trends: pay key money or live with five other foreigners in a two-room apartment with a shared bath and washroom. 

Key money? What was that? I asked another job seeker what it meant, and he told me quite merrily. It turns out that foreigners in Tokyo like displaying their knowledge of Japan to newer foreigners. He was friendly. But I couldn’t understand. “Oh, like a security deposit?” I asked.

“No,” he replied. “You don’t get that money back. They keep it.” 

My eyes might have bulged. My mouth likely popped open a bit. That option was out of the question. 

I diligently inspected all of those oversized moths. And I found a listing from rural Shikoku, five days a week, 3,000 yen an hour with a shared apartment included. I knew where Shikoku was – I love maps and had studied the geography of Japan. A rural Canadian in rural Japan felt like a natural fit. 

I promptly called the office. A cheerful gentleman answered the phone. We spoke for maybe five minutes, and he generously offered a flight to Shikoku, expenses paid, for an interview. I immediately accepted. What could go wrong? 

Tokyo felt different when I left the working holiday visa centre. It was much lighter, more bouyant. I could look around now. I was no longer a racehorse with blinders, desperately barrelling from point A to point B. I would go to Shikoku. If I did not get the job, I would come back to Tokyo and look for different moths. 

Besides, I was hopelessly adventurous. I had no money, negative money, but I was now itching to see Shikoku. 

I spent the rest of the day as I had the one before, wandering Tokyo, catching random trains, acclimatizing to my new country; and importantly, asking pretty girls for directions even when I didn’t need any. 

I don’t want to kid myself, though. It was tough. I had taken a huge gamble. But I had a last-resort security net. If I couldn’t find a job, I could fly back to Canada with my tail between my legs. Back to the small family business I had worked at since I was 11 years old. That would be emotionally disastrous, but I would survive. Compare that with my new Sri Lankan friend. He didn’t have an office full of job offers or rental hopes. What if he couldn’t land a job?

I returned to the hostel that evening to find the Sri Lankan in, the Americans out, and my towel hanging in the closet dripping water into my open suitcase. 

Japan is so weird. Or is it me?

(to be continued)











次に、賃貸アパートのちらしを見てみた。ワーキングホリデーセンターの壁に、巨大化した蛾みたいに張り付いているちらし。どこに住もうかな? 見ていくうちに、気持ちがひるむくらい難しいことがわかった。 


権利金?敷金?礼金?それ何? センターで仕事を探していた人に聞いてみた。陽気に教えてくれた。日本を少し知っている外国人は、僕のような新米に自分の知識をひけらかすのが楽しいみたいに、とても好意的に。でも、説明は理解出来なかったから、「あぁ、保証金のこと?」と聞いてみた。 














Canada Club(New Normal 大学・高校留学)

「カナダ高校留学実態総集編」eBook ダウンロード


日本人のためのエッセイ・クリティカルシンキング学習サイト UX English 

Podcast [カナダにいらっしゃい!] 

カテゴリ このコラムの執筆専門家

Super World Club 代表


カナダ 在住。パンデミック後のNew Normal 留学をサポート。変わってしまった留学への強力な準備として UX English主催。[Essay Basics] [Critical Thinking] など。カナダから日本に向けての本格的オンライン留学準備レッスン・カナダクラブ運営。

カテゴリ 「Story (Robert McMillan)」のコラム

カテゴリ このコラムに関連するサービス

電話相談 New Normal 留学相談:カナダ大学・高校留学



コロナパンデミックにより原型を留めないほど変化したNew Normal下での留学への準備サポートを行います。 特に必須の「エッセイ」「クリティカルシンキング」の万全な準備としてカナダと日本を結ぶオンラインコース「カナダクラブ」へのご案内。 30年以上のキャリアを基に日本の優秀な頭脳をカナダで成功に導きます。 

New Normal 留学相談:カナダ大学・高校留学


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