Japanese food helps us stop eating too much sugar. - 海外・外国人全般 - 専門家プロファイル

Super World Club 代表



大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子
大澤 眞知子

閲覧数順 2024年04月19日更新

専門家の皆様へ 専門家プロファイルでは、さまざまなジャンルの専門家を募集しています。

Japanese food helps us stop eating too much sugar.

- good

  1. 人生・ライフスタイル
  2. 海外留学・外国文化
  3. 海外・外国人全般

People in North America tend to eat more sugar than is good for them. To make matters worse, Many feel that cutting down on sugar takes away the joy of eating. The truth is that we can cut sugar intake and still eat with pleasure. What we need to do is acquire a new eating habit. Cooking and eating Japanese food can help.


I was shocked to find out that added sugars are everywhere in Canada. Sugars are in sandwich bread, chicken stock, pickles, salad dressing, crackers, yogurt, cereal and many other foods and drinks. Soda and desserts have tons of sugar. People tend to overeat food with sugar additives as the brain is tricked into feeling the food is yummy and we want to keep eating.

So, how can we eliminate these added sugars from our diet? We don’t need a meticulously calculated diet. Just eat Japanese food a couple of times a week. A Japanese diet does not include sandwich bread, chicken stock, pickles, salad dressing, crackers, yogurt, cereal, soda or desserts! Simple as pie! (Pie is not Japanese food, though.)


Cook and eat Japanese food, and escape a sugar-fix.


カテゴリ このコラムの執筆専門家

Super World Club 代表


カナダ 在住。パンデミック後のNew Normal 留学をサポート。変わってしまった留学への強力な準備として UX English主催。[Essay Basics] [Critical Thinking] など。カナダから日本に向けての本格的オンライン留学準備レッスン・カナダクラブ運営。

カテゴリ 「カナダレポート」のコラム

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