大澤 眞知子(カナダ留学・クリティカルシンキング専門家)- コラム「カナダレポート」(2ページ目) - 専門家プロファイル

大澤 眞知子

大澤 眞知子

オオサワ マチコ
( カナダ留学・クリティカルシンキング専門家 )
Super World Club 代表

カナダレポート のコラム一覧

50件中 11~20件目RSSRSS

Time for Cold Ramen Noodles

Time for Cold Ramen Noodles “Hisashi-chuuka” (Cold Ramen Noodles) is symbolic of Japanese summer. Restaurants display a flag swaying in the fragrant early summer breeze. The flag says, “冷やし中華始めました– Cold Ramen is now on the ...(続きを読む)

2018/05/23 07:15


日本で教えた大切な生徒たちへのメッセージ 長〜い長〜い間、毎週顔を見て教えて来た「今治教室」の生徒たち。 教室を閉め、カナダに移住した後も、オンライン教室でず〜っとついて来た生徒たち。 みんなで、カナダまで会いに来てくれた生徒たち。 大きな笑顔が輝いている生徒たち。   その生徒たちにお返しをと、相棒のロバートと一緒に、時差にもめげず頑張って早起きして続けて来たカナダからのオンラインレッスン。   そろそろ幕引きしないといけ...(続きを読む)

2018/04/10 03:24

I lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) in two months and kept it off.

I lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) in two months and kept it off. After losing 10 kilos (22 pounds) in two months, I started deliberating on how I could maintain the mind-blowing changes in my body to keep the weight off for good.    As I mentioned in the last bl...(続きを読む)

2018/04/05 03:34

So-called “Best Diets” didn’t work, but I lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) in two months.

So-called “Best Diets” didn’t work, but I lost 10 kilos (22 pounds) in two months. I was chubby up until 2006. I was slender until 1990. All those sixteen years, I tried every diet I spotted: eating tiny portions, avoiding carbohydrates, going vegetarian, squeezing sweat out on th...(続きを読む)

2018/03/25 08:59

日本女性のみなさん、カナダにいらっしゃい! - Census Canadaの驚くべき数字

日本女性のみなさん、カナダにいらっしゃい! - Census Canadaの驚くべき数字 Census Canada (統計局)によると、1980~2016年の間にカナダに移民した日本人は約46,000人。 結構来てますね。 私もその1人です。   その46,000人のうち74%が女性です! お〜〜 私もその1人です。   その74%の女性の多くは、日系ではないカナダ人と結婚しています。 カナダ国内での「カナダ人+外国人」との結婚のうち、「カナダ人男性+日本人女性」の...(続きを読む)

2018/03/24 01:59

Japanese food helps us stop eating too much sugar.

Japanese food helps us stop eating too much sugar. People in North America tend to eat more sugar than is good for them. To make matters worse, Many feel that cutting down on sugar takes away the joy of eating. The truth is that we can cut sugar in...(続きを読む)

2018/03/18 08:21

You don’t need a big portion when you eat Japanese food.

You don’t need a big portion when you eat Japanese food. When I first came to Canada, I was shocked to see unbelievably huge portions of food at restaurants. The food was spilling over the large plates. (Yes, even the plates were huge to me.) Looking at ...(続きを読む)

2018/02/28 04:57

Eat delicious Japanese food and lose weight.

Eat delicious Japanese food and lose weight. To lose weight and maintain an ideal weight, “You need a program that satisfies hunger and has good food so it doesn’t feel like a diet.” (TIME magazine)    A Japanese food diet is a perfect progr...(続きを読む)

2018/02/21 10:09

Japanese food is an ideal diet treatment.

Japanese food is an ideal diet treatment. You don’t need a strict regimen of diet to control your weight. Cook and eat Japanese food.   To lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, we need a strong will to commit to change. A diet could ...(続きを読む)

2018/02/15 06:21

Japanese food lets you forget about calories.

Japanese food lets you forget about calories. Science shows that a diet focusing on calories doesn’t work.   “The ‘calorie in, calorie out’ approach fails, because it disregards how food affects our hormones and metabolism. Pay attention to fo...(続きを読む)

2018/02/09 22:09

50件中 11~20件目
